Tom Sewell | People of Print
Graphic DesignPhotographySolo artist

Tom Sewell

posted by Mel Luff March 24, 2015

Tom Sewell, not to be confused with another artist of the same name, is a multi disciplinary artist based in London. Working in design, digital media, Illustration, photography, video, animation and collage (the list is endless) – his signature style features luminous colours and repetition with an intergalactic edge.

With one of the influences behind his work being my favourite author, Aldous Huxley and his book Doors of Perception, I had to delve deeper. Huxley’s influence is evident in the ‘trippy’ visuals emulating vivid landscapes and extraordinary states of mind. Tom told us that:

‘Doors of Perception made a massive impact on me when I was about 18 or so. There’s a passage where Huxley talks about being able to see infinity in the folds of cloth and relates it to the painting of drapery in the Renaissance that’s stuck with me my whole life’

Tom Sewell

Tom’s style has a highly digital aesthetic. However his work approaches digitalisation in a transcendental way. His passion for image making brings the digital world in to the real world, drawing influence from art, science and the endless capabilities of nature.

Through seeing the computer as a tool to manipulate, rather than a defining factor, he takes advantage of the vivid colours you can create on a LED screen. If you like what you see, be sure to visit his website and tumblr for a sensory overload – he’s definitely one to keep an eye on.

Tom Sewell

Tom Sewell

Tom Sewell

Tom Sewell

Tom Sewell

Tom Sewell

Tom Sewell

Tom Sewell

Tom Sewell

Tom Sewell

Tom Sewell


Mel Luff
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