Everybody loves stickers. These adhesive-backed bits of paper are great but we find it quite hard to express in words why we love them. What we love about ‘Grey Jam Press’ is the fact that they are professional screen printers of custom eggshell stickers, vinyl stickers, paper prints and much more. Good news is that they will be joining us this Saturday for an afternoon of live print workshop, giving you access to experimenting with sight and touch and creating your own stickers if you want to stand out this winter.
I have to admit that as a kid, I was sticking these things everywhere. Stickers find their expression in a lot of different mediums and are used as means to express one’s individuality. Grey Jam Press put their focus on smaller printed editions and items. They also offer a die cut service for stickers and other printing services. Everything that they produce is in-house and handmade here in England.
For more information about the live print workshop, please visit: www.peopleofprint.com/workshop/live-printing-workshop-at-kk-outlet
You can also order your tickets here:
- Icinori - February 9, 2021
- Sergio Membrillas - December 18, 2020
- La Perruque: Type Magazine - December 8, 2020