This exhibition delves into the captivating world of Korean female artists, showcasing their art world and experiences of displacement, settlement, and the ever-evolving exploration of their identities. Through diverse mediums – ceramics, sculptures, photographs, video, and paintings – these talented individuals weave narratives that resonate with both personal journeys and wider societal themes. Through the diverse voices of these artists, the exhibition discovers the profound beauty and depth that lies at the intersection of displacement, settlement, and the unending quest for identity. Each artwork acts as a portal, transporting viewers to the emotional landscapes of these artists. We encounter themes of cultural dissonance and the search for belonging, often stemming from the historical backdrop of migration and resettlement. Yet, we witness the emergence of a potent resilience and a vibrant exploration of heritage and self- discovery despite the challenges.
Our exhibition is located at the Royal Borough of Kingston Upon Thames where it is a landmark of British history and one of the largest expatriate communities of Koreans in Europe is located. This exhibition is more than just an artistic showcase. It is an invitation to dialogue that focuses on women’s voices. It prompts visitors to consider the complexities of identity, the challenges of displacement, and the unwavering spirit of human connection. The exhibition will allow visitors to be drawn into each medium, in the hands of these skilled artists, transcending its form to become a powerful vehicle for storytelling.
This exhibition is a narrative journey told in four parts. The three main acts explore the pivotal stages of cultural adaptation. Additionally, a special section showcases the stories of Kingston women, offering a unique perspective on the experience. Through various artistic mediums like ceramics, sculptures, and paintings, the story unfolds for the viewer.
Open Every Thursday, Friday and Saturday, 10:00 – 17:00