Whoopi Goldberg has teamed up with Extinction Rebellion in a beautiful new animation set in the future. The Gigantic Change is a stunning 3 minute film with animations by Nicola Jane Francis. The film was launched as part of World Environment Day, and is a story of hope set in the future, looking back at how the world came together to try to save the environment.
Set in 2050, a grandmother reads her grandchild a story called The Gigantic Change; a story of how, back in 2020, when the world was on the brink of collapse, humanity came together and worked harder than ever to save the environment. As we start to plan how to rebuild our world post-Covid, the film shows that a brighter future is possible. But this won’t happen on its own; we must all take action today. Climate change is an existential threat to people of all ages and backgrounds and the need for collective action has never been greater.
“In a world of gloomy future projections, I wanted to give people hope. To show them that a beautiful, sustainable future is in fact possible, where we live in harmony with nature rather than trying to be its master. But this won’t happen if we continue as we are – quite the opposite. So it was very important to also communicate the bleak reality of inaction, faced by the Grandmother and Granddaughter.” George Lewin, Co-Director.
The team behind The Gigantic Change, together with Passion Animation Studios (who you might know from the famous Orangutan advert for Iceland) knew that Whoopi’s iconic voice would bring a perfect sense of gravitas to the performance, along with her prominence as a campaigner on environmental issues.
The primary purpose of The Gigantic Change is to communicate the urgency of the situation to the wider public. After seeing the film, viewers are directed to www.thegiganticchange.com, which outlines the most effective actions they can take to save the environment.
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