Over the past month or two, and thanks to the huge success and demand of our Print Isn’t Dead pin badges, we’ve decided to expand our Print Isn’t Dead merchandise collection to tote bags. Now available in three gorgeous layouts, we’ll be running this campaign through Everpress, a platform that has changed the merchandise game for independent artists and designers.
Before Everpress was around, artists were weighed down by hefty upfront costs and the risk of the expensive and dead stock and were therefore reluctant to invest in such a thing. Using a crowdfunding model, Everpress’ system removes the guesswork of misjudging garment sizes and colours. No more boxes leftover of wasted stock, taking care of all the fulfilment and customer service on a designers behalf. Interested in Everpress’ platform? Check out how it works here.
Our Print Isn’t Dead campaign will run for 30 days as of today in which you can pre-order your tote bag. Once this time is up, the guys over at Everpress will print your order and ship to you and should arrive with you in 5-7 working days. All tote bags are printed with white ink onto black 8oz totes only for the time being.
- Posterzine™ Issue 46 | Marylou Faure - September 16, 2019
- Posterzine™ Issue 45 | Mojoko - September 13, 2019
- Posterzine™ | Karl Grandin - August 21, 2019