Dupludó Collective | People of Print

Dupludó Collective

posted by Emma Fisher June 25, 2014

Dupludó Collective sum up a great modern multi-disciplinary design collective. Without defining their single practice they work towards briefs using the most functional methods. For street wear brand KixBox they redesigned their marketing material and in store branding, great for brand that looks to redesign every half a year. This practice sees them creating illustrations, wall murals and in store furniture to compliment the brand. Having interests shared between the Dupludó trio, has given them an advantage in a wealth of skills from illustration to typography design. It is amazing to see the sensitive aesthetic that is shown every outcome of work they do, surely making them one to watch.

dupludo collective
dupludo collective
dupludo collective
dupludo collective
dupludo collective
dupludo collective
dupludo collective


Emma Fisher
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