RCA | Research Design Publish Symposium | People of Print
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RCA | Research Design Publish Symposium

posted by Marcroy May 6, 2014

*Research Design Publish is a critical design elective comprising 14 students from the Visual Communication programme at the Royal College of Art. The Symposium marks their coming together to launch these 14 eclectic design research projects, in order to generate a wider discussion.

RCA Research Design Publish
RCA Research Design Publish
RCA Research Design Publish
RCA Research Design Publish

RDP is:

Phillip Alnswick-Tobias / The Living Canon

Jonas Berthod / Spaced Out

Andrew Brash / White Paper, Blank Flag

Ingee Chung / Print / De / Print

Carolina Dahl / Space Vision

Laura Gordon / Elastic Octopus: Fear of Failure in Creative Education

Robert Hetherington / What is the object of graphic design?

Makiko Higashi / The Aesthetics of Inefficiency– Celebrating inefficiency in objects

Zigmunds Lapsa / Turbo

Dah Yee Noh & Charlotte-Maëva Perret / How to build your own living structures

Minna Sakaria / The Prism I Hold in My Hand – Giving post-authority to Olive Schreiner as a philosopher rather than a novellist

Camille Thiery / Lyon

Sun Jaegal / Space of Words



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