Warhol, Burroughs, Lynch | People of Print

Warhol, Burroughs, Lynch

posted by Louie Zeegen April 11, 2014

Shoehorning Andy Warhol, William S. Burroughs and David Lynch into the same building would prove conceptually difficult if it wasn’t for The Photographers’ Gallery. There are no great surprises here – Warhol’s images are distinctly Warhol while Lynch’s photographs could be stills from his atmospheric films. Burroughs’ photography is a bit more chaotic as they’re from his personal collection; arguably this aesthetic mirrors the frenzied nature of his books.

Warhol Burroughes Lynch
Warhol Burroughes Lynch
Warhol Burroughes Lynch
Warhol Burroughes Lynch
Warhol Burroughes Lynch


Louie Zeegen
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