It that time of year again when the studios of Print Club London are buzzing with excitement and preparations for Blisters 2014. If you haven’t heard of the exhibition before, it features 40 selected artists each selling an edition of 40 signed original screen prints for £40 each. The exhibition, now celebrating its fifth year, called artists to submit designs inspired by their favourite song/ band or tour and represent this in print without using any names references to the artist/ musicians. The evening will feature live music from Meanwhile, drink from Ruby’s Bar and food Lucky Chip. It should be a smashing event!
As ever, there are many artist work will be keeping a special eye out for including Hattie Stewart, Fred Deakin, Kate Gibb,and Jamie Reid to name a few. As well as the lesser know artists that always add a great display to the work on show.
The exhibition begins Friday night at MC Motors, the 6000 square ft events venue adjacent to the Print Club London studios in Dalston. See you there.
Venue: MC Motors, Millers Avenue E8 2DS
Opening night: 18.00–23.00
Sept 13th: 10.00–17.00
- Amelia Graham | Interview - February 8, 2016
- Steffie Brocoli - December 21, 2015
- Hello!Lucky - October 8, 2015