ELCAF 2015 | People of Print
ComicsExhibitionIllustrationWhat's OnWorkshop

ELCAF 2015

posted by Anna Chayasatit June 17, 2015

Artists and illustrators have been part of London’s story for centuries and here’s another chance for you to enrich our creative community. Returning for its fourth edition, East London Comics and Arts Festival is an annual festival that brings together a showcase of both big and small press publications, illustration, comics and print in a friendly environment. This festival will be joined by a selection of established professionals and will be running a programme of talks and workshops spanning over two days on the 20th and 21st June across two new venues – The Laundry and SPACE in Hackney.

Hosted by Nobrow, ELCAF 2015 promises to be a weekend packed with fun and laughter. More than 70 exhibitors have already signed up and one of them is award-winning illustrator Jillian Tamaki who has created the fabulous poster and is also an artist-in-residence for this year’s ELCAF. For a full list of programmes and events, please click here.


Anna Chayasatit
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