In the Meantime at Felix & Foam | People of Print
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In the Meantime at Felix & Foam

posted by Anna Chayasatit May 23, 2014

The exhibition ‘In the Meantime’ reunites all of the images exchanged between the four members of 1/2 during the past seven years of teamwork and collaboration. As part of Felix & Foam, the creation of Foam in collaboration with Frame and restaurant Foyer, In the Meantime, a compact but intensely inspiring exhibition, has put together photographs, zines and ephemera to be displayed in physical form and some chosen for projection covering huge parts of the gallery walls.

The exhibition is an ever-changing installation, with emphasis on experimentation and the making of 1/2’s next issue. If you’re about tonight in Amsterdam, there is also an evening programme with live music and video, so don’t forget to head across to Felix & Foam, you won’t get disappointed.

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Anna Chayasatit
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