Into the Fold 2014 | Workshop & Exhibition | People of Print

Into the Fold 2014 | Workshop & Exhibition

posted by Marcroy February 10, 2014

Into the Fold proposes what collaboration, education, discussion, participation and making might be. Changing the situation or situating a change by inviting emerging and established creative practitioners to be part of the project. An event questioning the ideology of the studio and gallery space, materialising in the form of an exhibition through a temporary and spontaneous community of practice.

The first instalment of Into the Fold was held in 2012 and featured a diverse range of emerging and established creative practitioners including: Philip Li, Department 21, Brave New Alps, Phil Baines, Sam Winston, That New Design Smell, Super/Collider, ICO Design, Europa, Glenn Adamson and Rick Poynor. Its theme was to question what the ‘ideal studio’ was or could be through a series of events, materialising in a publication.

Into the Fold

The forthcoming second instalment of Into the Fold emerges as a series of multidisciplinary activities, which will result in an exhibition within a gallery space. This instalment will feature an exciting range of creative practitioners including: A Practice For Everyday Life, Open School East, Fraser Muggeridge, Peter Nencini, An Endless Supply, Carmody Groarke, Nicolas Feldmeyer and edgar–walker. Can an exhibition be a combination of making and visual spaces, dismantling the language that separates these two entities to create one? Many creative disciplines are similar in expression, and to an extent, origination: art, design, film, architecture, composing, writing and so forth are all located through context and infrastructure. It is this blending of space, time, activity and motivation that Into the Fold will investigate.

Into the Fold will begin with ten days of activity exploring five themes: Ideology, Place, Play, Language and Meta. The results of these activities will become the exhibition, with both students and creative practitioners taking part in the project. More information will follow, including details of how to sign up to specific events.

26th February — 21st March 2014
Opening reception: 25th February
South London Art Map Event: 28th February Events: 26 February — 11 March
Exhibition Opening: 11th March
Camberwell Space, Camberwell College of Arts, 45 — 65 Peckham Road, London, SE5 8UF



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