‘New Abstract’ Group Show | People of Print

‘New Abstract’ Group Show

posted by Marcroy May 24, 2013

The group show “New Abstract” describes a current movement in the visual arts. Alongside the Printhouse gallery’s Ruth Hanahoe, Saskia pomeroy has brought together a group of artists and designers whose work discusses the abstract theme.

The print work is geometic and organic, with colour overlays and monochromatic textures. Each artist has approached the use of shapes, objects and perspectives differently. There are two main categories in print. The first; super slick digital effects, postmodern in reference to the graphic design styles of the 1980’s. Chrome effects, grids and gradients are prevalent in this type of work, which is informed by the print process. The second is abstract in merging more organic or accidental textures with spot colour overlays. The eye is drawn into the interplay between textures and shapes, colours and negative spaces. This is also true of Annie Strachan’s 3-dimensional work.

The use of texture through pattern is also evident in the work of the ceramicist William Edmonds and designer Hazel Stark. Some of the glaze and patterns are deliberately accidental, with spatters and blotches. Others are carefully considered brushstrokes and colour placements. The ceramic work is reflecting a burgeoning trend in ceramics, breaking the mould (sorry) of conventional shapes and glazes.

The painting work is similar to the ceramics in the way that brush strokes are used to create interest across the image. As before, compositions of colours and texture, dark and light are used to create depth and space, across plains that are not familiar as images but intruiging and interesting nonetheless.

Also in the show is the work of furniture maker Dean Edmonds, whose pared down approach to furniture is abstract in its simplicity. Materials and process inform Dean’s work.

Each artist has in some way been informed by the process of making work. Be it welding or digital printing , each had been used to its full potential to celebrate the efficacy of the process and the beauty of the final product. “New abstract” is a show about the languages of forms and mark-making that have been used to create discursive compositions. It shows that this movement is not solely refined to one medium and that it spreads across a whole spectrum of art and design.

Saskia Pomeroy graduated from Glasgow School of art in 2007. Since then she has been living and working in London as an artist and printmaker.

Saskia works in a variety of mediums such as print, drawing, and textiles. Her style has a strong focus on the use of colour and directionality through shapes. Saskia’s time as a screen printer has directly informed this type of abstract print work. This is also true of her drawing work which is often an abstraction of real forms and themes such as nature and ancient art, glyphs and symbols.



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