The independent publication famed for its unique portrayal of the rarity of redheads, has to our pleasure, released its fourth issue, continuing their conceptual exploration into one of the world’s smallest minorities and further the embedded ideology through the diverse and all encompassing nature of MC1R, that red hair is far more than just a hair colour.
For the fourth issue, the contemporary art and mesmerising photography strikingly implemented within all previous issues is confidently apparent, however the cover differs from the photographic feature and instead sports a minimalist graphic intelligently evoking the context while staying true to the conceptual aesthetic informing the inside editorials.
With features including a “How to be a Readhead” guide, an interview with Lily Cole and “#MC1Rwantsyou The Selfie-Campaign” it is clear the context is, as ever, just as considered as the imagery.
- Kristina Suvorova - March 27, 2017
- Andrés Gallardo Albajar - March 21, 2017
- Marietta Varga - March 14, 2017