12 Kinds of Kindness is the brainchild of two New York designers, Jessica Walsh and Timothy Goodman. Describing themselves as ‘self-centred’ and ‘often focused on what’s ahead rather than what’s around them’, they created a series of twelve steps in an attempt to change their behaviour (and become kinder and more empathetic people).
After a period of twelve months, they ended with their final step titled ‘Dive Deep’ – their aim to ‘dive deep into what they have learnt’, do something much larger than themselves and to start a dialogue.
For this, they built a kindness ‘wall’ around Trump Tower in New York with the help of 100 volunteers, 3 hours of their time and 40″ x 60″ boards spelling out an important message.
By now, everyone knows Trump’s name and has an opinion on him. He may be a lot of things, but one thing’s for certain – he’s not kind.
“Excluding people breeds discrimination, hate, and sometimes, terrorism. History tells us that building walls, both physically (like Trump’s proposed wall on the U.S.-Mexico border) and metaphorically (like banning all Muslims from the U.S.), will only cause more problems. We simply cannot shut out people based on religion, ethnicity, race, gender, or sex. Instead of building walls and creating fear, we need to build more kindness, love and acceptance in our country.
There are countless threats facing our world: economic, environmental, geopolitical, societal, and technological. Here in America, racial discrimination is still very much alive, with cops killing unarmed black men at an alarming rate, not to mention mass shootings seemingly every week, ISIS attacks, a large income gap, and our warmest year on record.
And then, of course, there’s Donald Trump.”
Read the full story here
- Markless Design - May 18, 2016
- Beyoncé | Lemonade - May 9, 2016
- IKEA X Katie Eary | GILTIG Collection - May 3, 2016