Topo Copy at Walk & Talk | People of Print

Topo Copy at Walk & Talk

posted by Anna Chayasatit July 25, 2013

Topo Copy, an open lab and research centre for all kinds of ink-related art, is now participating a heartening event, Walk & Talk, which is happening on a far-off islands, São Miguel in Portugal. The annual event is a multi-dimensional and participative public art festival that showcases almost 100 artists’s fine works from across three continents. This year, Topo Copy’s shelf library unveils their latest self-publishing zines and limited edition prints and still welcomes independent publications to fill up their ‘Shelf Library’ back in Belgium. Check out their website for submission details.

topo copy walk and talk
topo copy walk and talk
topo copy walk and talk
topo copy walk and talk
topo copy walk and talk
topo copy walk and talk
topo copy walk and talk
topo copy walk and talk


Anna Chayasatit
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