
What’s New with Brailleneue

posted by Ella Renai June 17, 2024

Character with Braille. A typeface that combines Braille and letters and can be read with either the eyes or fingers.

Braille Neue is a project designed to create a universal typeface that merges Braille with traditional characters, facilitating communication between sighted individuals and those who are visually impaired through a shared medium.

Initiated by Japanese designer Kosuke Takahashi, the project aims to bridge the gap between sighted and visually impaired people by overlaying English and Japanese characters with their Braille counterparts. Takahashi envisions that this innovation will encourage the incorporation of Braille in public spaces, where it is currently limited due to space constraints.

The concept of integrating Braille with conventional characters has been explored by various designers globally. This particular project seeks to enhance inclusivity by increasing the diversity of typefaces that blend Braille with standard characters. Through their application, the project aspires to foster a society where the use of Braille is commonplace, thereby improving communication between the visually impaired and the sighted.

Braille Neue, which derives from the popular Helvetica Neue font, offers two styles: Braille Neue Standard (English) and Braille Neue Outline (English and Japanese). Recognizing that most sighted people are not fluent in Braille, these fonts are designed to facilitate easier information exchange between sighted and blind individuals.

Takahashi suggests that by adjusting the spacing of Braille Neue Outline, existing text in public areas can be overlaid, enhancing accessibility for everyone.

For inquiries about using typefaces, licensing, or other project-related inquiries, please use this form

Ella Renai

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