Bridget Meyne | People of Print

Bridget Meyne

posted by Louie Zeegen April 23, 2014

Bridget Meyne is a 22 year old illustrator based in the UK. She’s on the eve of graduating from Falmouth University. The main body of her work is comics or narrative illustration concentrating on a range of different themes. From ‘alternate dystopian universes’ to ‘sassy girls’ to ‘bald, naked men’.

Many of her illustrations of the supernatural worlds feature great speech bubbles that dissect everything from the struggles of the artist to old wives beauty treatments. With nods to classic horror stories and b-list special effects, it’s hard to tell whether to be amused by or creeped out by Bridget’s illustrations.

Bridget Meyne
Bridget Meyne
Bridget Meyne
Bridget Meyne
Bridget Meyne
Bridget Meyne
Bridget Meyne


Louie Zeegen
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