Daniele Sonnino is a Rome born, Brighton bred and London dwelling illustrator, graphic designer, illustrator, collector and ‘whatever’ who has recently graduated from LCC. He’s already been hotly tipped by Creative Review and it’s clear to see why.
Influenced by the forms of line and structure in illustrative work and Stephan Walters architecture Daniele has created some truly beautiful illustrations based on the same themes at Da Vinci’s The Vitruvian Man. With Frank Miller’s Sin City in mind, Daniele states he intend the images to work like graphs and scales, hoping to send the view on a wild delved into their imagination to picture what the data for these illustrations might be.
- Union magazine - January 10, 2016
- Pecker | Call for submissions NSFW - March 9, 2015
- Craig Oldham | In Loving Memory of Work - March 3, 2015