Interview :: Chloe Greenfield | People of Print
GraduatesRisographScreen Print

Interview :: Chloe Greenfield

posted by Emma Fisher August 27, 2014

Camberwell graduate Chloe Greenfield was one of the stand-out students for me this summer. Her work at the Camberwell College degree show was confident and bold, and displayed high quality outcomes in screen print, riso and ceramics. I had chat to her about why her dream studio would be in the Arizona desert, and all of her greasy spoon based research!

chloe greenfield

1. What is the inspiration behind your ‘Greasy Shine’ project?
I’m really interested in every day rituals, and the aesthetic of the shrine has always fascinated me. Choosing the greasy spoon as my personal temple I spent a lot of my 3rd year in Rock Steady Eddie’s- my local, and favourite caf – drawing. My piece is a culmination of all that research (and all the fried breakfasts eaten whilst doing that research.) I loved creating ceramic casts of these iconic plastic objects – and making the screen printed wallhangings based on shapes and patterns I’d see in the greasy spoons.

chloe greenfield

2. You work in a number of different practices, do you have a favourite and why?
My favourites are screen printing and making functional ceramic objects. The bold simplicity that can be achieved through screen printing is great and I like making fabric that can be used a variety of ways.

chloe greenfield

3. Describe your fantasy studio space?
My fantasy studio space would be a giant shed in the Arizona desert, with a ceramics workshop and state of the art printing room. It’d have a glass ceiling too so I could stargaze at night!

chloe greenfield

4. What do you hope to do after you graduate?
I’d like try out as many things as possible at the moment as there’s still so much I want to learn and explore – especially weaving, carpentry and set design. Long term I’d really love to set up a studio with print/ceramics facilities and build up a big body of work.

chloe greenfield


Emma Fisher
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