Serafim Mendes Explores The Boundaries Between AR, 3D and Graphic Design | People of Print
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Serafim Mendes Explores The Boundaries Between AR, 3D and Graphic Design

posted by POP Members May 15, 2019

Serafim Mendes is a freelance designer and MA student who has been exploring 3D and the medium of Augmented Reality whilst also completing design work for his thesis. He has worked mostly with international clients in the fields of design, branding, 3D illustration and animation. Serafim has always been interested in leveraging the possibilities enabled by new technologies in order to communicate his ideas.

Mixing traditional print with a digital layer, Serafim has created a series of 15 posters that can be augmented with an app that he has also developed. Post-print is an on-going project which aims to explore the creative possibilities of augmented reality (AR) alongside graphic design. The project focuses on poster design and the use of 3D space as a tool for communication. The augmented content layer adds both depth and movement to the poster design, enabling the creation of a new information layer which results in a more interactive and engaging experience for the viewer.

The first Post-print exhibition was hosted by Mecha Studio, who collaborated in the project with the concept, design and production of the physical installation that showcased the posters.

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