Iosephine Prints | People of Print

Iosephine Prints

posted by POP Members October 16, 2020

Printmaker and illustrator Josephine Obert is the face behind Iosephine Prints. Josephine has always been interested in creative ways to express herself, be that drawing, painting, sewing, or photography, yet she never studied arts, and instead has a M.A. in Linguistics and Cultural Studies.

Josephine started printmaking in 2018 after watching a video on YouTube which sparked her creativity. Her first lino print was a small begonia; “…my first attempts at printing were horrible to be honest; it was patchy, uneven and frustrating. But instead of giving up, I felt defiant and determined to fix this print“. After experimenting with different selections of ink and paper, Josephine discovered the perfect combination and now sells these prints through her shop.

The printmaker describes; “It took a while to find my own style and until I was content with how my prints turned out“. Her prints are characterised by her distinct use of black or gold, with the occasional brighter accent. Josephine works with bold shapes inspired by her love of the Suprematism and Constructivism movements. However, she also adds softness to her limited edition prints with the addition of nature-inspired and irregular forms.

Josephine works from her own studio space in Dresden, where she has an A3 printing press. Her preference for materials includes oil-based ink and textured, hand made paper. When designing her works, she begins by creating sketches on her iPad using Procreate.; “I carry my iPad pretty much everywhere and transfer the drawings later… this way I can keep hold of my ideas wherever I go and whenever I feel inspired“.

Recently, Josephine has been working on producing some purely digital pieces, and has designed some digital single artworks for a singer/songwriter from the US. She concludes; “while it was a nice project I still prefer working with ink and paper, my dream project would be designing a real record cover“.



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