Printy Winty: Multiplate Monochrome Linocuts | People of Print

Printy Winty: Multiplate Monochrome Linocuts

posted by POP Members June 22, 2021

During 2021, linocut printmaker Sarah Payling, aka Printy Winty, has been experimenting with creating both simplistic and detailed prints using monochrome. Using multiple lino blocks, Sarah has been making space for the colour itself to do the hard work; The colour is the hero here”, resulting in striking and bold pieces.

“Using one colour has really made me consider every step of the print process differently,” explains Sarah. She had to think carefully about how to create shadows, thus in order create a sense of depth she used a transparent extender to increase the opacity of the colour and create light and dark in the prints.

Sarah’s love for creating portraits has been embedded in her since the days when she used to rummage through her father’s book collection to find pictures of faces to draw. She has always returned to portraits, and this project was no different. As the end of Covid restrictions nears, Sarah is planning more portrait prints; “so expect close proximity shots, face smooshing, and lots of touching”.

Going forward, Sarah is not ruling out using multiple colours and hopes to experiment with pushing the boundaries of monochromatic printing. She concludes; At the start of 2021 I committed to experimenting with colour and improving my knowledge and this is exactly what I am doing and I’m having a blast!”


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