Posterzine Issue 62 | Ermsy | People of Print

Posterzine Issue 62 | Ermsy

posted by Robyn Pitts October 20, 2020

This month’s issue of Posterzine presents an exclusive interview with Ermsy; a Paris-based artist known for his surreal re-imaginings of famous cartoon characters. We chat with him about how starting out as a graffiti artist has influenced his work, and the process of matchmaking his favourite cartoons.

Ermsy’s work often features our favourite childhood figures getting tangled up in the artist’s signature spaghetti limbs, or interacting with each other flirtatiously. Whether it’s Garfield eyeing-up Betty Boop, or Mr Burns riding a Bart Simpson-shaped skateboard, Ermsy paints pop culture icons like you’ve never seen them before.

Also included in this awesome issue of our poster-come-magazine, exclusively for our Posterzine subscribers, is a free Ermsy sticker sheet featuring some of his signature re-inventions of iconic cartoon characters.

Issue 62 was printed by Pressision Ltd using CMYK, and kindly supported by Foilco and G.F Smith.

Available now from www.posterzine.com.

Robyn Pitts
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