1000pc CMYK Gamut Jigsaw | Clemens Habicht | People of Print

1000pc CMYK Gamut Jigsaw | Clemens Habicht

posted by Cara Bray December 16, 2014

‘1000 Colours’ is a 1000 piece, CMYK gamut jigsaw puzzle by designer Clemens Habicht. Each segment is covered by an individual shade of colour, with the aim being to place each part in relation to its surrounding tones. The creator discusses how this particular puzzle is actually easier to complete than a traditional image based one, due to the fact that you begin to recognise direct relationships between colours and tone.

“The idea came from enjoying the subtle differences in the blue of a sky in a particularly brutal jigsaw puzzle, I found that without the presence of image detail to help locate a piece I was relying only on an intuitive sense of colour, and this was much more satisfying to do than the areas with image details.

What is strange is that unlike ordinary puzzles where you are in effect redrawing a specific picture from a reference you have a sense of where every piece belongs compared to every other piece. There is a real logic in the doing that is weirdly soothing, therapeutic, it must be the German coming out in me. As each piece clicks perfectly into place, just so, it’s a little win, like a little pat on the back.”

1000 Colours Timelapse – Long from Jacky Winter on Vimeo.


Cara Bray
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