We’d like to introduce BurnType, a small Brooklyn-based type studio creating bold fonts that manage to balance function with expression in a beautiful fashion. The studio was founded by Michael Bagnardi in July 2017 in Brooklyn, New York and as BurnType’s notoriety grew, its bold approach to type and NSFW tone became apparent and unmissable. This week, we feature the studios very first release, BT Brik Family now licensed exclusively in collaboration with The Designers Foundry (thedesignersfoundry.com).
Brik is an all-caps, zero bullshit type family available in three weights and two styles. Its blatant brick-like construction is honest, coarse, and unapologetic. The family is built with hard angles, chunky corners, and exaggerated ink traps for maximum weight and impact at any scale, making it an incredible brilliant and bold face.
If you visit The Designers Foundry you can get a very special offer! The first 69 people, after purchasing the full Brik family ($69) will receive the limited edition specimen set (3 x 700x500mm sheets, printed front and back) and bonus postcards. For more details click here. Thanks to our friends at Newspaper Club for printing these.
- Posterzine™ Issue 46 | Marylou Faure - September 16, 2019
- Posterzine™ Issue 45 | Mojoko - September 13, 2019
- Posterzine™ | Karl Grandin - August 21, 2019