FEMME TYPE — A Book Celebrating Women in the Type Industry. | People of Print
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FEMME TYPE — A Book Celebrating Women in the Type Industry.

posted by Amber Weaver April 2, 2019

Launched as an independent project is all-female graphic design publication Femme Type. Conceptualised by ex-University of Arts London Chelsea student Amber Weaver, the book aims to celebrate over 40 skilled, international women to create a valuable stage and platform for designers to showcase their brilliant typographic achievements. Simultaneously creating a valuable source of inspiration and education for future and established designers across the globe.

Split into three sections, essays; type design and typography. You can find interesting type-related discussions by the likes of New York-based designer and type designer, Tienmin Liao, Daltonmaag Creative Director, Bianca Berning and Alphabettes.org contributor & co-founder of Kinetic, María Ramos. Featured in the type design category are an assortment of talented designers with their typefaces gracing its pages. You can find Johanne Lian Olsen, Andrea Tinnes, Sibylle Hagmann, Pooja Saxena, Maria Doreuli, Nova Type Foundry, Inga plönnigs, with a special Typelab.fr feature and an Alphabettes.org piece written by co-founder Amy Papaelias and many other fantastic contributions. Finally, the typography section includes a short interview with Barcelona-based Hey Studio founder Veronica Feurte along with contributions from London-based studio Yarza Twins, Marta Gawin, Shanti Sparrow, My Name is Wendy, Caterina Bianchini, Marta Cerda and many more.

Featuring over 80 projects, Femme Type is made up of 256 pages printed in a special Pantone spot colour onto Fedrigoni Arcoprint by trusted UK-based printers Pressision Ltd.

The Kickstarter
High-quality lithographic printing comes at a cost, so to help fund part of the production costs you can pledge towards the Kickstarter campaign in order to help make this project become a reality! Your pledge is essentially a pre-order and you can choose from various different rewards. Femme Type has collaborated with 36 Days of Type to bring an epic A2 HP Indigo printed poster featuring their top 12 letter submission by women over their 5-year edition stretch. In addition, you can pick up an exclusive Twogirlsco ‘Designers Rule’ enamel pin produced in the matching Pantone spot colour as the book. Both these items are exclusive to this project and won’t be available anywhere else so grab one whilst stocks last – there’s only a limited amount of each.

This project received a really positive response from everyone that was contacted to be a part of Femme Type.

TienMin Liao / María Ramos / Bianca Berning / Amy Papaelias (Alphabettes.org) / Floriane Rousselot (typelab.fr) / Verena Gerlach / Johanne Lian Oslen / Andrea Tinnes / Sibylle Hagmann / Leonie Martin & Laura Brunner / Pooja Saxena / Maria Doreuli / Laura Meseguer / Nadine Chahine / Veronica Feurte (Founder of Hey Studio) / Shanti Sparrow / Marta Gawin / Catherine Griffiths / Ana Duje / Nuria Lopez / Mobel Type foundry / Lilly Marques / Sahar Afshar / Natalie Rauch / Charlotte Rohde / Nova Type Foundry / Lynne Yun / Isabel Pena / Liron Lavi Turkenich / Marina Chaccur / Yarza Twins Rita Matos / Hui Yeon Hwang / Caterina Bianchini / Marta Cerda/ /Rachel Joy Lettering / Sandrine Neugue / Inga Plönnigs / Alice Savoie / Erica Carras / Letitia Lin / Hello this is Kae / Noelia Lozano / Anastasia Liolio / My Name is Wendy / Tina Touli

Hard Facts:
— Includes contributions from over 40 international woman

— 256 pages + 4pp Cover / 25cm x 21cm / PUR bound
— Foreword by GoodType Founder Brooke Robinson
— Litho printed CYMK plus a special Pantone Spot colour
— Printed in English onto high-quality Fedrigoni Arcoprint paper
— Printed in May 2019 (if Kickstarter is successful)
— EARLYBIRD DISCOUNT: £25 + shipping (RRP £27.99)

Help fund this epic project — http://kck.st/2OD3UxT

I: @femmetype
T: @femme_type

Published by People of Print (in perpetuum).
Video by — Millie Gray (millie.gray_)

Amber Weaver
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