Femme Type Book | Second Edition | People of Print
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Femme Type Book | Second Edition

posted by Robyn Pitts January 30, 2020

After it’s first successful print run funded by a Kickstarter campaign through our publishing arm: People of Print (In Perpetuum), the FEMME TYPE book is back for an exciting second edition! “[For this edition] we stood back and looked at the physical appearance, how it felt, how it looked and revised some of the things we had noted down that we would love to improve if we did do a second print run. Now with more capital at our disposal, we settled on investing in three changes” explains author Amber.

First up and the most obvious change is you’ll find is a colourful reversal of the front cover. Their chosen Pantone spot colour (3245U) now steps forward and boldly takes centre stage with its dramatic hue and vibrancy meaning it can be spotted from afar on any bookshelf. Secondly, the inside paperweight has been increased to a decent 120gsm. “We invested in this particular change to reduce the slight see-through that was visible in the last run. Another benefit is that it naturally thickens out the book giving it a more luxurious and sturdy feel whilst making the inside content look better and brighter” Amber goes onto explain.

One final, and perhaps the most interesting change, is the two alternative typeface choices for the inside layout graphics. Now in place of the body copy typeface, you’ll find Neue Kramer Grotesk, a beautifully balanced font produced by Laura Brunner and Leonie Martin available in several different weights that are featured throughout the publication. Then, for the image captions and other smaller typographic elements, you can Equitan Slab serif font by Romanian-born type designer and typographer Diana Ovezea.

“We’d like to thank once again to all our supporters whether you made a pledge to the original Kickstarter campaign or bought a copy after it’s completion. We’re hugely grateful for you all and wouldn’t be this position without you! One final thanks go out to Pressision Printers in Leeds, who produced the second edition to an excellent standard as always” — Amber Weaver

Have you got your copy yet? Bag yours here.


Robyn Pitts
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