Pet People Issue 01: Malmö | People of Print

Pet People Issue 01: Malmö

posted by Anna Chayasatit June 2, 2015

One of the best things that landed at our studio this morning is this new publication from Sweden, Pet People. As a dog lover myself, I am not surprised by the recent nationwide obsession with pets. They are valued as companions and it’s very interesting to understand how these two-legged and/or four-legged creatures are shaping us all.

Pet People sets out to give an impression of the human-animal bond, exploring the heartwarming stories and shared experiences between people and their pets from a different city for each issue. Starting with Malmö, I love the simplicity of the content inside. It is a collection of nicely-shot photographs accompanied by short stories – a successful collaboration between photographer Hilda Grant and art director and graphic designer Linnea Paulsson. It’s published with a sense of literary travel writing. And I’d go as far as saying that Pet People is perfect for travellers – it’s a tongue-in-cheek handbook that offers a rare insight into people’s values and domestic cultures.


Anna Chayasatit
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