Pressing Matters have produced another epic issue of their independent magazine featuring another great list of designers, illustrators and printmakers. Printed by Park Communications on Edixion Offset paper, issue 6 takes the time to pose questions such as ‘how do they make paper?’ or ‘what is wood litho?’ – and the geekier the question, the more interesting the answer, it seems.
Founder and curator John Coe visited St Cuthberts Mill to witness their paper-making process and chat over the challenges they face in making paper that will withstand even the harshest of treatment in the hands of printmakers. “It’s great to see that both local and global communities are thriving – all championing their favoured techniques, whilst celebrating printmaking as a whole. It’s something we strive to echo in the magazine; community-led stories from the USA and South Wales, shared experiences of balancing parenting with printing, new spins on old techniques and everything in between.”
As (featured artist) John Pedder’s print so nicely puts it, ‘Knives are for creating, not destroying’ and we aspire to be a positive voice on all things inky, doing our bit to inspire and educate.
Issue Six featured artists/studios:
Ben Beach / Black Women of Print / BRED Design / Created in Slovakia / Danielle Creenaune / Marian Haf / Tessa Holmes / Molly Lemon / Anna Marrow / Off The Press Collective / John Pedder / The Printhaus / Samuel Rio Cuevas / Karin Rytter / Rachel Schlothan / John Simpson / Jo Stafford / St Cuthberts Mill / Supermundane / Andrew Wilson.
Shop issues 3, 4, 5 and now 6 on our curated marketplace. Browse below
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