Time Capsules by Heike Hansen | People of Print
Graphic DesignPublication

Time Capsules by Heike Hansen

posted by Cara Bray April 10, 2015

German design undergraduate Heike Hansen has produced this beautiful, 348 page publication for his thesis project. Time Capsules- “Don’t Open Before,” is a brilliant display of imagery and text exploring its given title and drawing connections between the archival works of well known artists such as Alfred Hitchcock and Andy Warhol.

Carefully selected imagery can be seen throughout the book, accompanied by text in a typeface designed by Grilli Type, who previously appeared in our feature 15 Type Foundries You Should All Know About. Adding an extra layer of preservation to the concept, Hansen uses embossed metal foil on the outside cover to reinforce the safeguarded nature of the subject.


Cara Bray
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