Hamelaha Printshop | People of Print
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Hamelaha Printshop

posted by POP Members February 7, 2019

The art of printmaking has truly taken over, having captured the interests of thousands of creatives across the globe. New to join our membership community is the Israel-based print shop Hamelaha, whose artist collaborations and passion for teaching shines brightly throughout their projects and print workshops.

This all began was when an exciting collaboration came about with leading Israeli artist David Tartakover. Hamelaha Printshop & Tartakover worked together to produce six wonderful print editions which solidified their passion for print, and kick-started yet another edition of prints four years later. This time they decided to stretch the boundaries to produce more colourful and complex pieces. Each edition was printed with 50 copies, numbered and signed by the artist.

Hamelaha can print a vast variety of colours including metallic, phosphoric and white. Their experience and technical skill allow creatives ranging from beginners to masters to use their services. You can check out their amazing shop below.

“A huge thank to the artist David Tartakover for an inspiring and inspiring partnership all along!” — Hamelaha Printshop


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