Barbara Dziadosz | People of Print
IllustrationScreen PrintSolo artist

Barbara Dziadosz

posted by Emma Fisher November 4, 2014

The work from Barbara Dziadosz doesn’t feel like an like it has come from an illustrator who is still studying! Her illustrations have a very organic feel to them, with natural shapes and relaxed lines. As she finishes her studies in Hamburg, Barbara’s portfolio of work is getting very exciting. Print features heavily in her work and wether it be screen print or digital outcomes you can clearly see her influences with experimental overlaying and knowledge of colours. You can purchase tote bags, prints, zines and beer mats all on her online store, or just check out her fabulous work.

barbara dziadosz
barbara dziadosz
barbara dziadosz
barbara dziadosz
barbara dziadosz
barbara dziadosz
barbara dziadosz
barbara dziadosz
barbara dziadosz
barbara dziadosz
barbara dziadosz
barbara dziadosz
barbara dziadosz
barbara dziadosz
barbara dziadosz
barbara dziadosz
barbara dziadosz
barbara dziadosz


Emma Fisher
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