Ch-Ch-Changes 2016 by Davey Podmore | People of Print
Screen PrintSolo artist

Ch-Ch-Changes 2016 by Davey Podmore

posted by Anna Chayasatit January 25, 2016

Originally produced as a screen-print for Print Club London’s Blisters ‘The Sound Sessions’ show back in 2014, Davey Podmore has recently decided to reimagine the print entitled ‘Ch-Ch-Changes’ and added a final layer to the print as a tribute to the legendary British singer and artist David Bowie. The print is an edition of 69; a print for every year of David Bowie’s life.

Even though the print sold out shortly after it went online, I still think ‘Ch-Ch-Changes 2016’ is kind of a project that everybody should all know about. Not only did Podmore reproduce the print as a variant edition with a new layer added to the montage using the image Bowie had left us with, he also decided to give 100% of the proceeds to Cancer Research UK.

Davey Podmore is currently the Creative Director of a small but perfectly formed Design Agency, Artisan, in Stamford, Lincolnshire.

“Bowie was constantly changing, I thought this was a good way to visualise his evolution.” – Davey Podmore.


Anna Chayasatit
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