Craig Oldham / Hand.Written.Letter.Project | People of Print
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Craig Oldham / Hand.Written.Letter.Project

posted by Louie Zeegen April 18, 2014

Manchester based Craig Oldham has been pretty busy of late. He’s done the redesign for D&AD’s New Blood and launched his own site with a great soundboard. But the most charming of his work is the newly republished and updated Hand.Written.Letter.Project.

A percentage of the proceeds from the book go to the National Literary Trust and it has double the number of entries since the first press. These entries are handwritten greetings from the world of design’s top figures including Erik Kessels, of KesselsKramer and Michael Johnson, of Johnson Banks. The book also features correspondence from people who just had something they wanted to share. Craig’s project a nice little addition to the bookshelf.

Craig Oldham Handwritten
Craig Oldham Handwritten
Craig Oldham Handwritten


Louie Zeegen
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