Horfee’s Imaginarium | People of Print
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Horfee’s Imaginarium

posted by Lo Parkin March 18, 2013

Paris graffiti legend Horfe has teamed up with Topsafe London for his first ever solo London show. Taking place at 4 Wilkes st London from the 14th – 23rd March. Horfe clarifies that “the show is not graffiti at all, to me an art exhibition can’t be graffiti. Graffiti is not the same as ‘accepted art’ it has to be illegal to fit that bill.” Imaginarium showcases Horfe’s drawings & mark makings on paper canvas wood and sculpture, he explains how he has focused his energy on “describing and organizing my aethetic in a way I can share with everyone graffiti fan or not.” (Theres a dope publication available at topsafe too).


Lo Parkin
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