Joanna Calderwood | People of Print
BooksEtchingIllustrationLinocutMemberPrintmakingScreen PrintSolo artist

Joanna Calderwood

posted by POP Members June 29, 2022

“Since a young age I have been making up stories in my head and illustrating them,” Caen-based illustrator Joanna Calderwood tells us. Knowing she wanted to pursue a career in art, she went on to study Graphic Design in Besançon for three years, where she specialised in book and printmaking at the Beaux Arts school ESAM in Caen.

Joanna’s art thrives from observations of her surroundings, her emotions, and the imaginary world she invents to escape from reality. Her illustrations draw inspiration from the people around her, everyday life, and her oneiric themes. Nature’s shapes, colours and patterns also influence her creative output. She states; “I like to use my intuition as a guide in every step of the way. Every piece is then free to bloom with originality, and I believe, touch people on a sentimental level.”

“I like to capture reality as much as I like to escape it. I always carry with me a small note and sketch book to write down ideas, to draw the scenery around me, the places I visit and the people I observe.”

Joanna recently self-published a short comic book that she started during lockdown. D’Âme Nature is a storybook based on a metaphor of imprisonment, and also pays tribute to the countryside. “What I like doing the most is narrative illustration,” says Joanna. She is also working on a graphic novel project which she is presently writing the story for.

Currently in her last year of school, Joanna is still benefiting from the work spaces they have for printing, book binding, engraving, linocut, and screen printing. She comments; “This is important for me because I value traditional art tools”.

For her end of year diploma Joanna is interviewing illustrators that she admires, finding out how they work and where they get ideas for the books they publish.


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