Miss Take | People of Print
Solo artist

Miss Take

posted by Mel Luff November 24, 2014

With the only photo of her on the Internet being a scanned in Polaroid, her hair in front of her face, wearing sunglasses over the top and raising two middle fingers at the camera. All we know about the elusive 22-year-old Copenhagen based painter, illustrator and street artist, is that she dropped out of school at the age of 18 and has since been making a living from doing what she loves. Her work is beautifully delicate, specialising in watercolours and ink, and her screen prints are individually hand finished, by painting on top of them. Noticeably absent, from the press and the Internet, going by the pseudo name Miss Take – the fact that you cannot put a face to the name or her work makes it even more ethereal.

Miss Take
Miss Take
Miss Take
Miss Take
Miss Take
Miss Take
Miss Take


Mel Luff
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