Nicolas André | People of Print
Screen PrintSolo artist

Nicolas André

posted by Emma Fisher September 29, 2014

Nicolas André is a French illustrator, screen printer, painter and editorial designer too. He has a natural skill in combining colour, composition and three-dimensional design. But it’s his screen printed work that really stands out. Whilst creating colour happy prints he also thinks further than the two dimensional, he has created pop out cards, concertina books and prints which are meant to be cut up to be reconstructed into intricate, beautiful paper structures. He has created perfect screen printed graphic novels, so it’s easy to see how his work has recently been picked up by Norbrow, with his brilliant new book Beyond the Surface. What a star.

Nicolas andre
Nicolas andre
Nicolas andre
Nicolas andre
Nicolas andre
Nicolas andre
Nicolas andre
Nicolas andre
Nicolas andre
Nicolas andre
Nicolas andre
Nicolas andre
Nicolas andre
Nicolas andre
Nicolas andre
Nicolas andre


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