Panda Robot | People of Print
Solo artist

Panda Robot

posted by Lo Parkin April 8, 2013

I got in touch with Brighton-based illustrator Panda Robot Aka Scott Blows who joked about having “the worlds most unfortunate surname” and told me all about his wicked illustration! Films, animations and his imagination inspire panda Robot’s playful imagery, reflecting upon his process (documented through his blog) he explains “it all starts off with rough sketches, then a further polished sketch before I scan it into illustrator” The Artists style can be defined through his characters that wear a selection of hats in an assortment of settings with a slightly grim/dark undertone. “I like the characters I draw to have some sort of story or adventure to them. People ask why I put themed hats on my characters, but the honest answer is.. I just like them”


Lo Parkin
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