Peter Judson :: Recent work | People of Print
Graphic DesignIllustrationScreen PrintSolo artist

Peter Judson :: Recent work

posted by Lo Parkin February 13, 2015

London based designer / printmaker (and People of Print favourite) Peter Judson has recently dropped a wicked new print to take us back to summer in the colder months. Designed as a winter pick me up, Peter wanted to create something warm and bright to transport him out of his cold flat while he “sat sat staring half at a computer screen and half at the commuters getting pummelled by wind and rain as they rushed to the station across the street.” Rendering Working digitally, Peter has a special place in his heart for print and explained “As I work predominantly on the computer I’ve found printmaking to be the prefect way to give my work a physicality and tactility that just isn’t present when viewing work on screen. With screen printing especially you find yourself trying to act like a machine reproducing a image over and over again to a set standard but there are always tiny inconsistencies that crop up, but being able to feel the paper and smell the oil based overprint gives it that little something extra” – we cant wait to see what he gets upto next.


Lo Parkin
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