Pixel | Los Villanos Series | People of Print
Screen PrintSolo artist

Pixel | Los Villanos Series

posted by Olivia Savage July 16, 2014

A South African artist who now works in London, Pixel grew up drawing superheroes and waiting to be discovered as a comic book artist. When that didn’t happen, he turned his hand to putting a cultural twist on some of America’s most recognisable characters, screen printing his humorous creations using varnish layers and metallic finishes with beautiful results.

His recent Los Villanos series (the villains) is inspired by Mexican wrestling, and features some familiar faces with new personas, such as Perdicion, who is “the doom of Mexico. He is the absolute embodiment of post-human depravity with a finger on the button of our annihilation. His tacos are to die for.”



Olivia Savage
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