Posterzine™ Issue 48 | Zipeng Zhu | People of Print
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Posterzine™ Issue 48 | Zipeng Zhu

posted by Robyn Pitts December 12, 2019

Designer, illustrator, animator and art director, Zipeng Zhu, is the star for issue 48 of Posterzine; People of Print’s monthly publishing project which takes the form of a mini-magazine that folds out into a gorgeous A1 format poster.

Obsessed with obscenely bright colours, NYC-based Zipeng wants to make every day a “razzle-dazzle musical“. This fun, typographic poster features the phrase “Fuck hard, fuck work, fuck hard, hard work”, perhaps a motto to live life by. Also included inside alongside images of a selection of his finest work, is an exclusive interview with Zipeng where he discusses his experience as an intern and his journey to setting up his own studio.

Issue 48 was printed by Pressision Ltd onto GF Smith paper, and once again sponsored by our wonderful partner MOO.


Check out the issue below:

Robyn Pitts
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