Shelley Dyer-Gibbins | People of Print
LinocutMemberPrintmakingSolo artist

Shelley Dyer-Gibbins

posted by POP Members May 6, 2022

With a background and education in Graphic Design, Shelley Dyer-Gibbins is a self-taught artist based in Somerset. Having always dabbled with art on the side, but never really finding her own style, it wasn’t until she found some old carving tools of her fathers, that Shelley discovered lino printing and instantly fell in love. After many attempts and cut fingers, she produced Cinegirl which she entered into The National Open Art, and won. This was the springboard which led her to her art practice today.

Shelley’s works are based on her love for experimentation, drawing upon memories linked from her childhood, anything retro, sci-fi, and the aesthetic of 70s and 80s. She looks to fellow printmakers and artists including Dave Lefner, Darren West, Tracy Hamer, Russ Mills, Mr Ben, and, of course, Warhol & Banksy, for inspiration.

Her pieces always start off with the intention of becoming just a linocut, however Shelley describes; “sometimes, something happens, a gut feeling and the direction is changed to create the linocut into using either neon, LED, Lightbox, or a pegboard.” Her designs begin with a thumbnail sketch, before going larger. Shelley cuts up some of the sketches, makes a collage for positioning, then transfers it onto lino. She describes; “I’ll leave it for a few days and work on another one. I normally have around 3 artworks on the go at one time. It seems to give me more time to take a step back and make any changes before I start to cut.” When she recreates her linocuts, Shelley also uses a whole manner of other materials; aluminium, wood, transfer inks, neon, and even LED.

She has recently exhibited at the Bankside Gallery, London as part of the NOPE (National Open Print Exhibition), and will be part of UPFEST 2022, the street art and graffiti Festival in Bristol (within the heartland of Banksy).


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