LinocutMemberPrintmakingSolo artist


posted by POP Members April 18, 2023

Vivienne Piethe is the maker behind TravedeernArt. As a native coastal child from Lübeck, and now living in the quiet town of Weimar in Thuringia, Vivienne expresses her love of homeland by producing linoleum prints with maritime motifs.

“I love the strong and contrasting expression of the lino prints and find that they fit perfectly with the maritime images,” says the printmaker. Through her use of lino Vivienne’s prints emphasise both the coolness and roughness of the sea in typical shiny weather, as well as the softness and warmth of a light breeze on a summer evening. Different combinations of colour and paper, and various motifs also help the printkaker represent this.

Vivienne’s printing process begins by drawing a motif that is then transferred mirror-inverted onto the linoleum surface with the help of transparent paper. She then carves out of the plate with linoleum cutters of different thicknesses. With the help of a roller, linoleum printing ink is then evenly applied to the plate by the artist and then the paper is applied and peeled off to reveal the image. Vivienne often repeats the printing process a few times until the colour appears evenly on the paper. All of her pieces of pressed entirely by hand without a press; “You get really warm doing this and can save yourself a trip to the gym!”

Her latest lino print is about “connectedness”; “Being connected to yourself, to the people you love and to nature, your surroundings”. The artwork comes from her heart and represents her love for her home which includes family and the Baltic Sea.


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