100 Limited-Edition Wallpaper Rolls for 10 Years of Craft Making by Daniel Heath Studio | People of Print
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100 Limited-Edition Wallpaper Rolls for 10 Years of Craft Making by Daniel Heath Studio

posted by Anna Chayasatit September 17, 2015

The decennial year sees ‘Daniel Heath Studio’ launch a Kickstarter campaign with an aim to make a limited-edition run of one of their most sought-after wallpaper designs, ‘High Wire’. Daniel Heath Studio is known for their highly crafted wallpaper rolls and to mark the 10th anniversary of the studio, they are aiming to produce 100 limited-edition, affordable wallpapers to adorn everyone’s favourite space.

Over the past 10 years of making, Daniel Heath Studio have been making high-standard bespoke products including artisan wallpapers, hard surfaces, and furniture design. Working to support local manufacturers, they will also be printing this collection of wallpaper with a roller printer in the UK.

Daniel Heath Studio
Daniel Heath Studio
Daniel Heath Studio
Daniel Heath Studio
Daniel Heath Studio
Daniel Heath Studio
Daniel Heath Studio
Daniel Heath Studio
Daniel Heath Studio
Daniel Heath Studio
Daniel Heath Studio
Daniel Heath Studio
Daniel Heath Studio
Daniel Heath Studio
Daniel Heath Studio

“Hours and days are spent drawing out the illustrative designs and often they connect to a time or a place or an experience. My design High Wire was born out of a personal fascination with the circus. The design offers a feeling of escape and is loved by many around the world. I’ve sold this wallpaper to people in Sweden, Japan, Germany and the US, on a very bespoke basis.” – Daniel Heath.

This is considered one of the most exciting and ambitious projects we’ve come across this year. We support their skills and craftsmanship and we cannot wait to see this thing happen! So, if you’d also like to support the project, you can head over to Kickstarter now.


Anna Chayasatit
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