Desisto | People of Print
Graphic DesignRisographStudio


posted by POP Members January 18, 2019

Desisto is an independent multidisciplinary platform, established in 2013 by Margarida Borges and Ricardo Martins which recently also became a Graphic Design studio and welcomed José Mendes. As a team they create self-initiated projects such as publications and exhibitions and have taken on four lovely RISO printing machines. Equipped with these four beautiful machines, they create colourful projects for creatives and their clients. As a Graphic Design studio they mainly design visual identity systems, branding, editorial projects, exhibition/set design and web design with a particular focus on typography and production.

The team is made up of a talented creative threesome. Margarida and José studied Graphic Design at IADE, in Lisboa, and Ricardo studied Illustration and Comics at Ar.co Lisboa. They all joined forces after meeting on their Masters degree at the same college in 2011/2012 in Barcelona (Elisava – School of Design and Engineering). Ricardo and Margarida continued their studies, this time on “Tipografia Suiza y Proyecto Editorial” at Werkstaat, Barcelona, and then, in 2014 a Post Grad in Web Design at ESTAL, Lisboa. Meanwhile José was working as a Graphic Designer with several agencies in Lisboa, Margarida and Ricardo were in Barcelona working as Graphic Designers as well in CLASE Bcn.

We’re happy to welcome them as a new People of Print member. Want to be a member? APPLY HERE.


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