New Book Celebrates Iconic Band Logos That Rocked the World | People of Print

New Book Celebrates Iconic Band Logos That Rocked the World

posted by Ella Renai March 12, 2024

Jamie Ellul, is the creative director at Supple Studio however, he is also engaged in an intriguing collaboration with design writer Jim K Davies on a project of considerable interest. Their venture takes the form of a book titled “Logo Rhythm – Band Logos That Rocked The World,” set to be published by Circa Press. To aid in its realisation, they’ve initiated a Kickstarter campaign. 

This meticulously crafted book delves into the captivating narratives behind over 90 iconic band logos, featuring fresh interviews with designers and musicians spanning from the 1960s to the present day. Across its 440 pages, and over the course of seven years, they’ve unearthed the intriguing tales behind these band logos—revealing their origins, the minds behind their creation, their significance, and why they resonate so profoundly.

While we hold a deep affection for band logos, our admiration tends to be somewhat superficial. Often, we view them merely as symbols of our musical preferences or cultural affiliations, appreciating the vibes, without delving deeper. Behind many band logos lie narratives as vibrant, captivating, and resonant as the musicians and compositions they symbolise.

The Inspiration 

The idea stemmed from Jim, as Jamie discloses: “Jim dreamed up the idea.” With a longstanding friendship and a shared passion for music, their collaboration flourished. Initially conceived as bandlogojukebox.com—an online platform recounting the often overlooked tales behind band logos—their realisation dawned that this wealth of narratives could be encapsulated within the pages of a book.

Creating sample pages, they sought opportunities for publication. After encountering some setbacks with larger publishers, Jamie recounts, they crossed paths with Circa Press, whose founder David Jenkins was enamoured with the concept. Thus, after two years of dedicated writing, their vision materialised into reality.

Reflecting on their journey, one prominent lesson is that many iconic band logos weren’t crafted by formally trained designers, Jamie reflects. Throughout the book, they encounter myriad anecdotes of band members, acquaintances, relatives, and even crew members conceiving these emblematic designs.

Passion Project

To add texture, variety and a mix of voices and opinions, they roped in designers, colleagues and fellow music obsessives to tell them about the logos that mean something to them and why. Jamie emphasises that, much like any rewarding side endeavour, their project has been a labour of passion from inception to completion. The true delight in this journey, he elaborates, has been in the ability to locate the designers responsible for these logos and provide them with a platform to share their narratives, particularly those from bygone eras. 

In discussing the book, Jamie highlights the abundance of the anecdotes: the unpredictable, chaotic essence of the music industry seems to give rise to these unintentional masterpieces that resonate with us all. It’s these narratives that truly set the book apart. 

To pledge, visit the book’s Kickstarter page. Rewards include custom pin badges, T-shirts, art prints, and the chance to get your band logo designed by Supple Studio.


Ella Renai

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