We are very excited to announce that we will be putting on a top-notch display of prints at our first ever Christmas Print Fayre, which will take place at none other than KK Outlet in Hoxton Square, London. We are literally going to fill the walls from top to bottom. The exhibition will launch on Tuesday 1st December and run on until 23rd of December and will include workshops, talks and even a Meal Ticket thrown in for good measure.
18th November — submission deadline.
19th November — review of submissions and selected people will be contacted.
25th November — all prints must be delivered to KK Outlet ready for hanging.
27th November — we hang artwork.
LAUNCH NIGHT — Tuesday 1st December 6-9pm
Come long to the opening night of The Christmas Print Fayre at KK Outlet and see all of the prints that will be on display and for sale.
Exhibiting artists include:
Annu Kilpelainen
Ben Rider
Clay Hickson
Crispin Finn
Eike Koenig
Emily Forgot
Emma Fisher
Easy May
Hattie Stewart
Hey Studio
Janne Iivonen
Jean Jullien
Jess Wilson
Jen O’Brien
Jim O’Raw
Le Gun
New North Press
Oscar Bolton Green
Pat Lunch
Rose Blake
Sara Andreasson
Saskia Pomeroy
Super mundane
Team Print Shop
Thomas Murphy
Victor Hachmang
& many, many more.
TALKS — Saturday 5th December 2-4:30pm
The first event of The Christmas Print Fayre 2015 is the People of Print | Talks on Saturday 5th December. Come along to hear from an ecclectic selection of speakers and their experiences with print. We are covering all areas of print, from magazine layout, publishing and graphic design to printmaking, bookbinding, and running your own creative business.
Andrew Diprose — WIRED (linkedin.com/in/andrewdiprose)
Caroline Whitehead — ELP (eastlondonprintmakers.co.uk)
Simon Goode — LCBA (londonbookarts.org)
James Lunn — Freelance Designer (nnul.co.uk)
Andy Cooke — Business owner (thisisandycooke.com)
Get jolly and drink a beer or two with the People of Print team, bring your business cards for a business card swap.
LIVE PRINTING WORKSHOP — Saturday 12th December 12:00-5:00pm
Come along to the People of Print — Screen Printing Workshop on Saturday 12th December and take away a wrapped and labelled gift in a tote bag. Tees, totes, tags and wrapping paper all included in ticket price with four free issues of Posterzine too! It’s going to be a blast! Tickets are limited and on a first come, first served basis.
All of this is included in your ticket price:
Live printed t-shirt — select your size tee and choose from five awesome designs.
Live printed wrapping paper — build up layers of patterns
Hand stamped tag — choose from five cool tag designs to stamp your own tag.
Free copies our new Posterzine — Issue 01, 02, 03 and 04. RRP £23.96
Limited edition tote — package it all up and take it away in a tote bag.
Get jolly and drink a beer or two with the People of Print team.
WHEN: Saturday, 12 December 2015 from 12:00 to 17:00 (GMT)
WHERE: KK Outlet – 42 Hoxton Square London N1 6PB
Order your tickets here:
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